Every Brilliant Thing (2018)
Produced by
Director: Brendan Healy
Playwrights: Duncan MacMillan and Johnny Donahoe
The Berkeley Street Theatre – Marilyn and Charles Baillie Theatre
November 27th, 2018 – December 16th, 2018
Ice cream, rollercoasters, the smell of old books — as a mother battles chronic depression, a child creates a list of everything that makes life worth living. As time passes and the list grows, what began as a naive attempt to deal with tragedy becomes an epic chronicle of life’s small joys. Staged in an in-the-round setting, this touching, funny and intimate solo piece charts the lengths we will go for those we love. (canadianstage.com)
Kristen Thomson | Performer |
Creative Team
Brendan Healy | Director |
Duncan MacMillan | Playwright |
Johnny Donahoe | Playwright |
Victoria Wallace | Set Designer |
Victoria Wallace | Costume Designer |
Steve Lucas | Lighting Designer |
Richard Feren | Sound Designer |
Dustin Woods-Turner | Assistant Sound Designer |
Imogen Wilson | Assistant Lighting Designer |
Birgit Schreyer Duarte | Dramaturge |
Marinda de Beer | Stage Manager |
Noa Katz | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Lee Milliken | Director of Production |
Greg Dougherty | Technical Director |
Heather Landon | Production Manager |
Awstin Davies | Assistant Technical Director |
Sally Roberts | Senior Head Technician |
Yunier Alvarez Peñate | Head Technician |
Cassandra Miller | Junior Head Technician |
Mary Spyrakis | Head of Properties |
Monica Lee | Props Builder |
Peter Velocci | Carpenter |
Ming Wong | Head of Wardrobe |
Susan Batchelor | Wardrobe Mistress |