Sequence (2017)
Produced by
Playwright: Arun Lakra
Director: Andrea Donaldson
January 3rd - 10th, 2017
January 3rd, 2017 – February 12th, 2017
Do you believe in luck? A man successfully bets double or nothing on the Super Bowl coin toss for twenty years in a row. A professor races the clock on a ground-breaking discovery to cure the disease that is causing her own progressive blindness. Two fascinating stories intertwine like DNA, examining the interplay between science, faith, probability and luck. (tarragontheatre.com)
Kevin Bundy | Theo |
Jesse LaVercombe | Mr. Adamson |
Ava Jane Markus | Cynthia |
Nancy Palk | Dr. Guzman |
Creative Team
Arun Lakra | Playwright |
Andrea Donaldson | Director |
Jason Hand | Lighting Designer |
Jason Hand | Set Designer |
Joanna Yu | Costume Designer |
Care Robertson | Sound Designer |
Helen Monroe | Assistant Director |
Natasha Bean-Smith | Stage Manager |
Jane Honek | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Matt Armour | Carpentry Crew |
Clint Bouwman | Carpentry Crew |
John Cabanela | Carpentry Crew |
Giuseppe Condello | Carpentry Crew |
Jennifer Gaines | Carpentry Crew |
Brandon Moe | Carpentry Crew |
Byron Noble | Carpentry Crew |
Michael Wagner | Carpentry Crew |
Lindsay Woelfle | Carpentry Crew |
Matt Armour | Lighting Crew |
Guifre Bantjes-Rafols | Lighting Crew |
John Cabanela | Lighting Crew |
Jacqueline Costa | Lighting Crew |
Verne Good | Lighting Crew |
Karen Elizabeth | Lighting Crew |
Brandon Moe | Lighting Crew |
Adam Seibert | Lighting Crew |
Dilara Aksak | Interim Production Manager |
Paolo Collantes | Head Carpenter |
Kathleen Johnston | Head of Wardrobe |
Jennifer Laws | Mainspace Technician |
Jessica MacDuff | Head Scenic Artist |
Care Robertson | Head of Properties |
John Thomson | Technical Director |