word!sound!powah! (2011)
Produced by
Playwright: d’bi.young anitafrika
Performed in repertory with blood.claat and benu
Tarragon Theatre – Extra Space
October 22nd, 2011 – December 4th, 2011
In word!sound!powah! young dub poet Benu Sankofa is swept up in the violence of the infamous 1980 national election in Jamaica. The country is on the cusp of a political coup, and in the heat of the struggle between young radicals and the establishment, Benu is arrested. She finds strength in her maternal ancestors to fight for the freedom she believes in. (tarragontheatre.com)
d’bi.young anitafrika | Performer |
Creative Team
d’bi.young anitafrika | Playwright |
Camellia Koo | Set Designer |
Camellia Koo | Costume Designer |
Michelle Ramsay | Lighting Designer |
Waleed Abdulhamid | Musical Director |
Jeff Burke | Musician |
Kurt Huggins | Musician |
Laurence Stevenson | Musician |
Kristen Kitcher | Trilogy Production Manager |
Cassy Walker | Script Coordinator |
Che Kothari | Photographer (cover) |
Cylla von Tiedemann | Photographer (production) |
Nick Rose | Assistant Head Carpenter |
Lindsay Woelfle | Carpentry Crew |
Wade Noble | Carpentry Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Carpentry Crew |
Radoslav Smaczny | Carpentry Crew |
Rebecca Vandevelde | Lighting Crew |
David DeGrow | Lighting Crew |
Verne Good | Lighting Crew |
Tim Lindsay | Lighting Crew |
Nick Davidson | Lighting Crew |
Joey Morin | Lighting Crew |
Vanessa Janiszewski | Props Assistant |
John Thomson | Extraspace Technician |
Paul Fujimoto-Pihl | Technical Director |
Tom Baranski | Head Carpenter |
Michelle Bailey | Head of Wardrobe |
Eleanor Antoncic | Interim Production Manager |
Lokki Ma | Head of Properties |