You Will Remember Me (2016)
Produced by
Studio 180 Theatre and Tarragon Theatre
Playwright: Francois Archambault
Director: Joel Greenberg
March 1st, 2016 – April 10th, 2016
How will you be remembered? How will you choose to remember those you love? As the aging patriarch of a modern family – a university professor, political and intellectual force, and long-time sovereigntist – suffers from dementia, the people who love him struggle to make room in their lives for his care. A vivid and elegant drama about family and memory from one of Québec’s most dynamic voices: Governor General’s Award-winning playwright François Archambault. (tarragontheatre.com)
R.H. Thomson | Edouard |
Nancy Palk | Madeleine |
Kimwun Perehinec | Isabelle |
Mark McGrinder | Patrick |
Michela Cannon | Berenice |
Creative Team
Francois Archambault | Playwright |
Joel Greenberg | Director |
Bobby Theodore | Translator |
Kimberly Purtell | Lighting Designer |
Denyse Karn | Projection Designer |
Denyse Karn | Set Designer |
Denyse Karn | Costume Designer |
Verne Good | Sound Designer |
Viktor Lukawski | Assistant Director |
Kaitlin Hickey | Assistant Lighting Designer |
Laura Baxter | Stage Manager |
Bradley Dunn | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Paolo Collantes | Assistant Carpenter |
Bree Lawrence | Carpentry Crew |
Ellen MacKay | Carpentry Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Carpentry Crew |
Joey Morin | Carpentry Crew |
Eric Read | Carpentry Crew |
David Fisher | Lighting Crew |
David Fisher | Sound Crew |
Liz Maraston | Lighting Crew |
Liz Maraston | Sound Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Lighting Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Sound Crew |
Joey Morin | Lighting Crew |
Joey Morin | Sound Crew |
Eric Read | Lighting Crew |
Eric Read | Sound Crew |
Aidan Shepherd | Lighting Crew |
Aidan Shepherd | Sound Crew |
Michael Wagner | Lighting Crew |
Michael Wagner | Sound Crew |
Eleanor Antoncic | Production Manager |
Chris Carlton | Technical Director |
Kevin Hutson | Head Carpenter |
Kathleen Johnston | Head of Wardrobe |
Jennifer Laws | Mainspace Technician |
Jessica MacDuff | Head Scenic Artist |
Care Robertson | Head of Properties |
John Thomson | Assistant Technical Director |