The Golden Dragon (2012)
Produced by
Playwright: Roland Schimmelpfennig
Translator: David Tushingham
Director: Ross Manson
January 10 - 17, 2012
January 18th, 2012 – February 19th, 2012
The diners at the bustling Golden Dragon restaurant sit savouring their meals, while the kitchen staff rally to hide a young illegal immigrant who is desperately searching for his lost sister. Little does he know the key to her disappearance might be only a few tables away. (tarragontheatre.com)
David Fox | A Man Over Sixty |
Lili Francks | A Woman Over Sixty |
Tony Nappo | A Man |
Anusree Roy | A Young Woman |
David Yee | A Young Man |
Creative Team
Roland Schimmelpfennig | Playwright |
David Tushingham | Translator |
Ross Manson | Director |
Teresa Przybylski | Set Designer |
Teresa Przybylski | Costume Designer |
Rebecca Picherack | Lighting Designer |
Thomas Ryder Payne | Sound Designer |
Heidi Strauss | Choreographer |
Leora Morris | Assistant Director |
Alicia Bacile | Assistant Set Decorator |
Drew Mutton | 金龙 Sculptor |
Wilson Klodt Wong | 金龙 Choreographer |
Daniel Levinson | Fight Director |
Melanie Klodt | Stage Manager |
Emilie Aubin | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Cylla von Tiedemann | Photographer |
Nick Rose | Assistant Carpenter |
Brendan Gilhuly | Assistant Carpenter |
Matt Armour | Carpentry Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Carpentry Crew |
Wade Noble | Carpentry Crew |
Dan MacEachern | Carpentry Crew |
Lindsay Woelfle | Carpentry Crew |
Matt Armour | Lighting Crew |
Verne Good | Lighting Crew |
Rebecca Vandevelde | Lighting Crew |
Liz Maraston | Lighting Crew |
Sarah-Jane Patterson | Lighting Crew |
Lindsay Woelfle | Lighting Crew |
Danielle Demeny | Head Scenic Artist |
Tom Baranski | Head Carpenter |
Michelle Bailey | Head of Wardrobe |
Sarah “Pip” Bradford | Mainspace Technician |
Eleanor Antoncic | Interim Production Manager |
Paul Fujimoto-Pihl | Technical Director |
Lokki Ma | Head of Properties |