More Fine Girls (2011)
Produced by
Common Boots Theatre and Tarragon Theatre
Playwrights: Jennifer Brewin and Leah Cherniak and Ann-Marie MacDonald and Alisa Palmer and Martha Ross
Director: Alisa Palmer
February 22 - March 1, 2011
February 22nd, 2011 – April 3rd, 2011
Jayne, Jojo and Jelly get together ten years after the party that drove them apart. This time, the sisters go into the basement. They convene for a family crisis, and share an overwhelming need to be together again. It is an intimate and comic look at sisters and the surprising truths of middle age. (tarragontheatre.com)
Leah Cherniak | Jelly Fine |
Ann-Marie MacDonald | Janye Fine |
Martha Ross | Jojo Fine |
Severn Thompson | Jelly Fine |
Creative Team
Jennifer Brewin | Playwright |
Leah Cherniak | Playwright |
Ann-Marie MacDonald | Playwright |
Alisa Palmer | Playwright |
Martha Ross | Playwright |
Alisa Palmer | Director |
Judith Bowden | Set Designer |
Judith Bowden | Costume Designer |
Andrea Lundy | Lighting Designer |
John Gzowski | Composer |
John Gzowski | Sound Designer |
Julia Lederer | Assistant Director |
Elizabeth Nutting | Assistant Set Designer |
Elizabeth Nutting | Assistant Costume Designer |
Daniele Guevara | Production Week |
Cylla von Tiedemann | Photographer |
Laura Baxter | Stage Manager |
Paul Beauchamp | Apprentice Stage Manager |
Morag Webster-Lesarge | Props Assistant |
Vanessa Janiszewski | Props Assistant |
Nadia Ismail | Props Assistant |
Stephanie Milic | Painter |
Crystal Piché | Painter |
Brendan Gilhuly | Carpentry Crew |
Matt Armour | Carpentry Crew |
Les Stockley | Carpentry Crew |
Kai Masaoka | Carpentry Crew |
Joey Morin | Lighting Crew |
Verne Good | Lighting Crew |
Nick Rose | Lighting Crew |
John Thomson | Lighting Crew |
Jason Golinsky | Lighting Crew |
Sarah “Pip” Bradford | Mainspace Technician |
Lindsay Anne Black | Head Scenic Artist |
Michelle Bailey | Head of Wardrobe |
Ian Chappell | Head Carpenter |
Michael Freeman | Production Manager |
Paul Fujimoto-Pihl | Technical Director |
Lokki Ma | Head of Properties |