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Sky Gilbert

Sky Gilbert

Author, Choreographer, Consultant, Director, Lyricist, Performer, Playwright, Producer, Swing, Writer


Wit in Love - A Performance Installation () Text


Hackerlove () Dance Choreography
Hackerlove () Sex Scene Choreography


The Dinner () Mentor


Inside () Director
A Nice Day in the Park () Director
Cheri () Director
I Cook, He Does the Dishes () Director
Toller () Director
The Terrible Parents () Director
My Dinner with Casey Donovan () Director
Komunka () Director
Hackerlove () Director
Spoon: a queer play () Director
A Few Brittle Leaves () Director
Dancing Queen () Director
Dancing Queen () Director
The Situationists () Director
Reconciliation () Director
I Have AIDS! () Director
Happy: A Very Gay Little Musical () Director
Will the Real J.T. LeRoy Please Stand Up? () Director
Bad Acting Teachers () Director


Happy: A Very Gay Little Musical () Lyrics


A Nice Day in the Park () SAM
LULU v.7 // aspects of a femme fatale () Performer
The Dinner Table () Storyteller - "My Home: Church Street" (July 10 - 9pm)
To Myself at 28 () Me at 60
Antigone Dead People () Mourner
Mamma's Boy () Dad


Inside () Playwright
A Nice Day in the Park () Playwright
Cheri () Playwright
I Cook, He Does the Dishes () Playwright
Toller () Playwright
The Terrible Parents () Playwright
My Dinner with Casey Donovan () Playwright
Hackerlove () Playwright
To Myself at 28 () Playwright
A Few Brittle Leaves () Playwright
Dancing Queen () Playwright
The Situationists () Playwright
The Emotionalists () Playwright
Reconciliation () Playwright
Wit in Love () Playwright
Happy: A Very Gay Little Musical () Playwright
Will the Real J.T. LeRoy Please Stand Up? () Playwright
Bad Acting Teachers () Playwright


Inside () Producer


Happy: A Very Gay Little Musical () Swing / Alternate


I Have AIDS! () Writer