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Nina Kaye

Director, Dramaturge, Performer, Playwright, Producer, Publicist


Kitchen Sink Drama () Director ("Bitter Hearts")
Death Meets Harlequin () Director
Death Meets Harlequin and Other Plays () Director ("The Empress" / "Death Meets Harlequin")
The Dialogues of Leopold & Loeb () Director
The Tarot Show () Director ("The Fall")
Unspoken () Director
Monkey Paw's and the Jest of Hahalaba in 3D () Director ("Monkey's Paw")


Mood Swings () Dramaturge


Death Meets Harlequin and Other Plays () Death ("Death Meets Harlequin")
The Tarot Show () Performer ("The Fall" - Nov 29)
Unspoken () Emily / Celia / Tina (May 12-13, 2012)
Lysistrata: a play with music () Penelope


Victorian Closet Drama () Playwright
Kitchen Sink Drama () Playwright ("A Trifle")
Death Meets Harlequin () Playwright
Death Meets Harlequin and Other Plays () Playwright ("The Red Deer" / "Death Meets Harlequin")
The Tarot Show () Playwright ("The Fall")
Unspoken () Playwright


Kitchen Sink Drama () Producer
Mood Swings () Producer
Unspoken () Producer


Sizzle and Spin () Publicist
The... Musician. An Étude () Publicist


Unspoken Theatre Company