Kai Masaoka
Carpenter, Crew, Designer, Lighting Designer, Lighting Technician, Mentor, Production Manager, Sound Designer, Sound Technician, Technical Director, Technician, Venue Technician
Assistant Designer
Out At Sea (2011) | Assistant Designer |
I (2011) | Assistant Production Designer |
Assistant Sound Designer
Where the Blood Mixes (2022) | Assistant Sound Designer |
Carpentry Crew
The Circle (2016) | Carpentry Crew |
You Will Remember Me (2016) | Carpentry Crew |
Wormwood (2015) | Carpentry Crew |
The Trouble with Mr. Adams (2015) | Carpentry Crew |
Much Ado About Nothing (2015) | Carpentry Crew |
Infinity (2015) | Carpentry Crew |
The Bakelite Masterpiece (2014) | Carpentry Crew |
An Enemy of the People (2014) | Carpentry Crew |
Carried Away on the Crest of a Wave (2013) | Carpentry Crew |
Was Spring (2012) | Carpentry Crew |
The Small Room at the Top of the Stairs (2012) | Carpentry Crew |
The Golden Dragon (2012) | Carpentry Crew |
The Rez Sisters (2011) | Carpentry Crew |
word!sound!powah! (2011) | Carpentry Crew |
blood.claat (2011) | Carpentry Crew |
benu (2011) | Carpentry Crew |
More Fine Girls (2011) | Carpentry Crew |
Hush (2010) | Carpentry Crew |
Rocking The Cradle (2009) | Carpentry Crew |
Reflector (2016) | Crew |
Counting Sheep (2016) | Crew |
Ultrasound (2016) | Crew |
Caught (2016) | Crew |
The Death of the King (2016) | Crew |
Up the Garden Path (2016) | Crew |
Chelsea Hotel (2016) | Crew |
Elle (2016) | Crew |
An Enemy of the People (2015) | Crew |
Morro & Jasp 9 - 5 (2015) | Crew |
Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play (2015) | Building Crew |
The Unplugging (2015) | Crew |
Waiting Room (2015) | Sound / Projection Crew |
The De Chardin Project (2014) | Crew |
Moment (2014) | Production Crew |
The Art of Building a Bunker (2014) | Technical Crew |
An Enemy of the People (2014) | Crew |
Bingo! (2014) | Crew |
Same Same But Different (2014) | Crew |
The Way Back to Thursday (2014) | Crew |
Annie (2013) | Crew |
Moss Park (2013) | Crew |
Arigato, Tokyo (2013) | Crew |
Iceland (2013) | Crew |
Every Letter Counts (2013) | Load-in & Lighting Crew |
A Brimful of Asha (2012) | Set & Lighting Crew |
BOBLO (2012) | Crew |
Divisadero: A Performance (2012) | Crew |
Morro and Jasp Gone Wild (2011) | Crew |
Vincent River (2011) | Crew |
Design Assistant
Hero & Leander (2011) | Assistant to the Designers |
The Little Years (2012) | Electrician |
Festival Lighting Designer
Self-Exile (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Places to Wait (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Collapse (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Perk Up, Pianist! (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Plus One (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
A Bitter Shrew (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
“Ze”: queer as f*ck! (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Head Technician
Human Animals (2019) | Head Technician |
House Technician
Morro & Jasp in Stupefaction (2017) | House Technician |
Shrek: The Musical (2013) | House Technician |
Lighting Crew
The Realistic Joneses (2016) | Lighting Crew |
The Circle (2016) | Lighting Crew |
You Will Remember Me (2016) | Lighting Crew |
Mustard (2016) | Lighting Crew |
Blind Date (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Much Ado About Nothing (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Cake and Dirt (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Abyss (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Waiting Room (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Sextet (2014) | Lighting Crew |
The Bakelite Masterpiece (2014) | Lighting Crew |
A God in Need of Help (2014) | Lighting Crew |
Flesh and other Fragments of Love (2014) | Lighting Crew |
Carried Away on the Crest of a Wave (2013) | Lighting Crew |
Was Spring (2012) | Lighting Crew |
A Brimful of Asha (2012) | Lighting Crew |
Communion (2010) | Lighting Crew |
Rocking The Cradle (2009) | Lighting Crew |
Lighting Designer
On the Brink (2017) | Lighting Designer |
Sweat (2017) | Lighting Designer |
Two Gents (2012) | Lighting Designer |
I (2011) | Lighting Designer |
Almeida (The Glorious) (2017) | Sound Design Mentor |
Production Manager
Two Gents (2012) | Production Manager |
Sound Crew
You Will Remember Me (2016) | Sound Crew |
No Great Mischief (2012) | Sound Crew |
Sound Designer
On the Brink (2017) | Sound Designer |
John & Waleed (2017) | Sound Designer |
Quiet Revolution (2016) | Sound Designer |
Aperture (2015) | Sound Designer |
Thumped! (2015) | Sound Designer |
John & Waleed (2015) | Sound Designer |
Journey's End (2013) | Sound Designer |
Mute (2011) | Sound Designer |
Sound Mixer
John & Waleed (2017) | Sound Engineer |
Sound Technician
The Shipment (2012) | Audio Engineer |
Ajax & Little Iliad (2012) | Audio Engineer |
Technical Director
Three Women of Swatow (2022) | Technical Director |
Orphan Song (2022) | Technical Director |
Light (2022) | Technical Director |
Our Fathers, Sons, Lovers and Little Brothers (2022) | Technical Director |
Two Gents (2012) | Technical Manager |
Mute (2011) | Technical Director |