David Fisher
Carpenter, Crew, Lighting Designer, Lighting Technician, Mainspace Technician, Performer, Set Builder, Sound Designer, Sound Technician, Technical Director, Technician, Venue Technician
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Technical Theatre, Toronto Metropolitan University
Associate Technical Director
Head à Tête (2011) | Associate Technical Director |
Carpentry Crew
Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy (2010) | Load In Crew |
Oraculum (2024) | Crew |
The Year of the Cello (2022) | Crew |
Box 4901 (2020) | Technical & Paint Crew |
Shove It Down My Throat (2019) | Crew |
Sound of the Beast (2017) | Crew |
Peace River Country (2017) | Set & Lighting Crew |
Elle (2016) | Crew |
Morro & Jasp 9 - 5 (2015) | Crew |
R-E-B-E-C-C-A (2015) | Crew |
The God that Comes (2014) | Crew |
Beatrice & Virgil (2014) | Crew |
Zadie's Shoes (2011) | Crew |
Jake's Gift (2011) | Load In and Lighting Crew |
Night (2011) | Load-in and Lighting Crew |
Still Here (2011) | Load In and Lighting Crew |
Morro and Jasp Gone Wild (2011) | Crew |
Brothel #9 (2011) | Set & Lighting Crew |
Binti's Journey (2010) | Production Crew |
Featuring Loretta (2010) | Load-in and Light Crew |
Birnam Wood (2010) | Technical Crew |
Festival Lighting Designer
Mind the Umbrellas! (2024) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Bluffs (2024) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Being Celine (2024) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Transit (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Good Old Days (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Hermaphroditus (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Thistle Gardens (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Ms. Titaverse (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Woman Who Ate Falafel (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Parliament of Poets (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
June (2023) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Paradise Lost (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Follow Me (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Two of Us (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Restless Spirit (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Joy of Sax (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Six Stories, Told at Night (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Women of the Fur Trade (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Jimmy Hogg: A Brief History Of Petty Crime (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
AWKWARD HUG (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Andy Warhol Musical: In Rehearsal (2018) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Open Rescue: The Play (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Contagious (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
You Are Perfect (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Grey (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Pillow Talk (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Seat Next to the King (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Brain Storm (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
High Park Noir (2017) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Life After (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Best Picture (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Happiness™ (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Searching for Party (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Scenes from Plays I Never Wrote (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Goodbye to All That (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Cowboy Mouth (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Angels & Aliens (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
How May I Mate You? (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Far Away (2016) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Waiting for Alonzo (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Deepest Darkest (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Famous Haydell Sisters Comeback Tour (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Reproductive Life Cycle of a Flower (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Water Choke (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Ninety (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
You Are Not Alone (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
One More and the Bill (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Skunkweed (2015) | Festival Lighting Designer |
An Ode To Dyads (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Assassination of Robert Ford: Dirty Little Coward (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Never Swim Alone (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Tarrare: A Story of Hunger (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Emergency Monologues (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Who Killed Gertrude Crump? (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Don't Tell My Dad (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Group Therapy (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Inside Albert's Head (2014) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Stalled (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Bad Guys Finish First (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Sour Grapes (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Hystericon (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Play Actually: a Non Rom Com (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Vangroovy (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
The Oak Room (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Corpus Matris (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Apostles Creed (2013) | Festival Lighting Designer |
Head Technician
Canoe (2023) | Head Technician |
Binti's Journey (2009) | Head Technician |
Lighting Crew
The Circle (2016) | Lighting Crew |
You Will Remember Me (2016) | Lighting Crew |
Much Ado About Nothing (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Infinity (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Waiting Room (2015) | Lighting Crew |
Lungs (2015) | Lighting Crew |
The Real World (2012) | Lighting Crew |
Billy Twinkle: Requiem for a Golden Boy (2010) | Lighting Crew |
Lighting Technician
King Lear (2015) | Lighting Technician |
Mainspace Technician
As I Must Live It (2024) | Mainspace Technician |
Stories From the Fringe (2018) | Performer |
Rumors (2009) | Glen Cooper |
Set Builder
Blind Dates (2025) | Set Construction |
The Story (2012) | Set Construction |
Sound Crew
You Will Remember Me (2016) | Sound Crew |
Sound Designer
Charles Manson and Timothy Leary in Folsom Prison (2009) | Sound Designer |
Technical Director
Canoe (2023) | Technical Director |
Dina: The Burlapped Crusader (2012) | Technical Director |
Blind Dates (2025) | Technical Support |
Highway 63: The Fort Mac Show (2011) | Technician |
The Pastor Phelps Project (2008) | Technician |
Venue Technician
Erased (2024) | Mainspace Technician |
Next to Normal (2024) | Mainspace Technician |
Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2024) | Mainspace Technician |
Mind the Umbrellas! (2024) | Venue Technician |
The Bluffs (2024) | Venue Technician |
Being Celine (2024) | Venue Technician |
The Turn of the Screw (2024) | Head Technician |
Alice by Heart (2024) | Venue Technician |
Camille: The Story (2024) | Mainspace Technician |
Woking Phoenix (2024) | Venue Technician |
No One’s Special at the Hot Dog Cart (2024) | Venue Technician |
Migraaaants (2024) | Venue Technician |
Transit (2023) | Venue Technician |
Good Old Days (2023) | Venue Technician |
Hermaphroditus (2023) | Venue Technician |
Thistle Gardens (2023) | Venue Technician |
Ms. Titaverse (2023) | Venue Technician |
The Woman Who Ate Falafel (2023) | Venue Technician |
The Parliament of Poets (2023) | Venue Technician |
June (2023) | Venue Technician |
Trace (2023) | Venue Technician |
Never the Last (2023) | Venue Technician |
Rubble (2023) | Venue Technician |
Okay You Can Stop Now (2023) | Mainspace Technician |
X and Da Spirit (2023) | Venue Technician |
our place (2022) | Venue Technician |
Danzantes del Alba | Dancers of the Dawn (2022) | Venue Technician |
The Negroes are Congregating (2020) | Mainspace Technician |
bug (2020) | Venue Technician |
Suitcase (2020) | Mainspace Technician |
Adrenaline (2020) | Mainspace Technician |
Tales of a City by the Sea (2019) | Mainspace Technician |
The Wager (2019) | Mainspace Technician |
The Election (2019) | Mainspace Technician |
Kopernikus (2019) | Head Technician |
The Rear Window (2019) | Venue Technician |
Paolozzapedia (2019) | Venue Technician |
Hook Up (2019) | Mainspace Technician |
A Very Leila Christmas (2018) | Venue Technician |
The Runner (2018) | Mainspace Technician |
The Wager (2018) | Mainspace Technician |
Pearle Harbour's Chautauqua (2018) | Venue Technician |
Paradise Lost (2018) | Venue Technician |
Follow Me (2018) | Venue Technician |
The Two of Us (2018) | Venue Technician |
Restless Spirit (2018) | Venue Technician |
The Joy of Sax (2018) | Venue Technician |
Six Stories, Told at Night (2018) | Venue Technician |
Women of the Fur Trade (2018) | Venue Technician |
Jimmy Hogg: A Brief History Of Petty Crime (2018) | Venue Technician |
AWKWARD HUG (2018) | Venue Technician |
Andy Warhol Musical: In Rehearsal (2018) | Venue Technician |
The Drawer Boy (2018) | Mainspace Technician |
Acha Bacha (2018) | Mainspace Technician |
The Tale of a Town - Canada (2017) | TPM House Technician |
Reflector (2017) | Mainspace Technician |
Open Rescue: The Play (2017) | Venue Technician |
Contagious (2017) | Venue Technician |
You Are Perfect (2017) | Venue Technician |
Grey (2017) | Venue Technician |
Pillow Talk (2017) | Venue Technician |
The Seat Next to the King (2017) | Venue Technician |
Brain Storm (2017) | Venue Technician |
High Park Noir (2017) | Venue Technician |
Suffragette (2017) | Mainspace Technician |
Stupidhead! A Musical Comedy (2017) | Mainspace Technician |
John & Waleed (2017) | Mainspace Technician |
Secrets of a Black Boy (2016) | Venue Technician |
Reflector (2016) | Venue Technician |
Brave New World (2016) | Venue Technician |
The Ties that Bind (2016) | Venue Technician |
Life After (2016) | Venue Technician |
Best Picture (2016) | Venue Technician |
Happiness™ (2016) | Venue Technician |
Searching for Party (2016) | Venue Technician |
Scenes from Plays I Never Wrote (2016) | Venue Technician |
Goodbye to All That (2016) | Venue Technician |
Cowboy Mouth (2016) | Venue Technician |
How May I Mate You? (2016) | Venue Technician |
Angels & Aliens (2016) | Venue Technician |
Far Away (2016) | Venue Technician |
Ultrasound (2016) | Venue Technician |
Up the Garden Path (2016) | Venue Technician |
Chelsea Hotel (2016) | Venue Technician |
Elle (2016) | Mainspace Technician |
King Lear (2015) | Venue Technician |
Avaricious (2015) | Mainspace Technician |
The Hum (2015) | Venue Technician |
Like There's No Tomorrow (2015) | Venue Technician |
Stupidhead! (A Mucisal Cmoedy) (2015) | Venue Technician |
Lac/Athabasca (2015) | Venue Technician |
Seams (2015) | Venue Technician |
Waiting for Alonzo (2015) | Venue Technician |
Deepest Darkest (2015) | Venue Technician |
The Famous Haydell Sisters Comeback Tour (2015) | Venue Technician |
The Reproductive Life Cycle of a Flower (2015) | Venue Technician |
Water Choke (2015) | Venue Technician |
Ninety (2015) | Venue Technician |
You Are Not Alone (2015) | Venue Technician |
One More and the Bill (2015) | Venue Technician |
Skunkweed (2015) | Venue Technician |
The Bigger Issue (2015) | Venue Technician |
Parents Night (2015) | Venue Technician |
December Songs (2015) | Venue Technician |
The Sound of Cracking Bones / Le Bruit Des Os Qui Craquent (2015) | Venue Technician |
The De Chardin Project (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Avaricious (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Life, Death and the Blues (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Unknown Soldier (2014) | Venue Technician |
Half Girl/Half Face (2014) | Venue Technician |
Against Gravity (2014) | Venue Technician |
Graceful Rebellions (2014) | Venue Technician |
The Assassination of Robert Ford: Dirty Little Coward (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Never Swim Alone (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Tarrare: A Story of Hunger (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
The Emergency Monologues (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
An Ode To Dyads (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Who Killed Gertrude Crump? (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Don't Tell My Dad (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Group Therapy (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Time Stands Still (2014) | Venue Technician |
Inside Albert's Head (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Same Same But Different (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
The Way Back to Thursday (2014) | Mainspace Technician |
Moss Park (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Night of the Living Dead Live (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
On the Rocks (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
7 Important Things (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
The Life Of Jude (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Camila’s Bones (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Entitlement (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Sour Grapes (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Stalled (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Bad Guys Finish First (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
The Hystericon (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Vangroovy (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Play Actually: a Non Rom Com (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
The Oak Room (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Apostles Creed (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Corpus Matris (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Night of the Living Dead Live (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Legoland (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
As I Lay Dying (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Shakespeare's Nigga (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Body 13 (2013) | Mainspace Technician |
Cinderella in Muddy York (2012) | Venue Technician |
Fare Game: Life in Toronto's Taxis (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
This Must Be The Place: The CN Tower Show (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Mister Baxter (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Violent be Violet (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Extinction Song (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Haunted (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Marine Life (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Barrel Crank (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Vic Harbour (2012) | Venue Technician |
How I Lost One Pound: The Musical (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Then He Wakes Up (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Transit Diaries (2012) | Mainspace Technician |
Divisadero: A Performance (2012) | Venue Technician |
Ride the Cyclone (2011) | Mainspace Technician |
Sex, Religion, and Other Hang-Ups (2011) | Mainspace Technician |
Long Dark Night (2011) | Mainspace Technician |
The Physical Ramifications of Attempted Global Domination (2011) | Mainspace Technician |
Malaria Lullaby (2011) | Venue Technician |
I (2011) | Venue Technician |
The Death of Ashley Smith (2011) | Mainspace Technician |
Mullet's Make-a-Play (2011) | Mainspace Technician |
Mister Baxter (2011) | Venue Technician |
Check Out (2011) | House Technician |
The Long Red Road (2011) | Backspace Technician |
Radiance (2010) | House Technician |
Theatre Passe Muraille | Mainspace Technician (2011-) |
Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspace | Venue Technician (2011-) |